Hello, my name is
Taiwo Oyetumoh

I bring strength and versatility to every project, ensuring durability and efficiency. My lightweight nature allows for innovative design solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Top Skills

  • Environmental Impact Reduction

  • Material Properties Analysis

  • Electrical Conductivity


  • Nice too them

    Oyewunmx aluminum company CEO


  • Taiwo oyetumoh

    Help ur self


  1. I will honor my promise to the best of my ability.

  2. I promise to only accept clients whom I believe I can genuinely help

  3. I will treat my clients with respect and respond to them in a timely manner


  • accessible

  • hard-working

  • friendly

Taiwo Oyetumoh


  • Diana Princess of Wales

    Diana Princess of Wales

    Known for her compassion and humanitarian work, Princess Diana used her platform to raise awareness about important social issues, such as landmines and HIV/AIDS. Her warmth, empathy, and dedication to charitable causes touched the lives of many and continue to inspire acts of kindness.

  • Elon Musk

    Elon Musk

    A visionary entrepreneur and engineer, Elon Musk has revolutionized industries like electric vehicles (Tesla), space exploration (SpaceX), and renewable energy (SolarCity). His drive for innovation and ambitious projects inspire others to think big and pursue groundbreaking ideas.


  • Trading



Here are some brands I admire:

  • Facebook connects friends and family worldwide. It's where memories are shared and moments are celebrated. They bring people together, one post at a time.

  • Apple’s all about sleek design and cutting-edge tech. They turn everyday gadgets into must-have lifestyle essentials. Everyone knows they’ve got an app for that!

  • Google's brand exudes innovation and simplicity. They transform the way people search and connect online. Their colorful logo sparks curiosity and trust worldwide.


  • Chicago life